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Weight Loss Guide : Weight Loss by Fasting

Weight Loss by Fasting
Fasting is the act of abstaining from something. Generally, fasting is associated with the act of abstaining, partial or total, from eating and is often associated or considered as a religious activity. Lots of Christians practice fasting during Lent. Hindus and Shaolins are also known for fasting while meditating.

Although it may not be one of the reasons why a person will fast, one end result of fasting is, of course, weight loss. The body, gaining no nutrients, will turn to the fats stored in our body, burning them and using them as fuels. You are not adding foods, you are burning fats - you will lose weight.

Aside from losing weight, another benefit of fasting is that it detoxifies our body. Meaning, it flushes away toxins out of our body. We should immediately add that scientifically, detoxification, as a benefit of fasting have not been totally proven.

These, may be, what attract people who want to lose weight, to fasting. You get to achieve your goal of weight loss fast and gets to detoxify your body as an added benefit.

But weight loss practitioners should think more than twice if they are thinking of using fasting as a means of losing weight. Weight loss practitioners must consult professionals before embarking on fasting to achieve your weight loss goal. The danger is in the amount of fat stored inside you which may be quite low that it will not be able support your body in the period you will do your fasting. Furthermore, you may have ailments that you may not know you have which might aggravate if you fast.

So, as they say in Tagalog : hinay-hinay lang (slow it down). Be sure that your weight loss program is suitable to your body. You may not only lose weight, but you may end up losing your breath too.

Weight Loss Program : The Fruit Flush Diet

Weight Loss Diet : The Fruit Flush Diet
A very informative review of a Weight Loss Diet being peddled in the net is this article from WebMD. The Fruit Flush Diet, created by noted clinical nutritionist Jay Robb, involves a 36-hr diet on fruits, vegetables and protein-shake. According to Mr. Robb, "Fruits and vegetables are lively to the system, and, as a result, the body is relieved of the digestive burden of other foods and can clean house by flushing away toxins and going into a fat-melting mode."

But, according to the article "The very low-calorie Fruit Flush Diet is deficient in essential fatty acids, vitamin D, B12, riboflavin, and calcium, says Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, clinical associate nutrition professor at Boston University." which, this blogger thinks will be somewhat dangerous, noting that you still need these essential nutrients for your body to function properly.

Bottom line is that it is very important to know the condition of your body first before embarking on a weight loss diet. Check out with a doctor first then look for a diet that will suit you.

Weight Loss Guide : The Weight Loss Pyramid

The Weight Loss Pyramid
From Wikipedia, below is the illustration of the Weight Loss Pyramid

It is a weight loss guide on what foods to Avoid, Enjoy and Saturate. Made me regret checking this out because my diet right now is exactly the opposite of that weight loss pyramid.

In tandem with the Weight Loss Pyramid, is this Food Pyramid by USDA. This food pyramid explains how much of each type of foods do we need.

So, there - the two weight loss pyramids, which, some mystics say, will produce the best result when taken while inside Egypt's Pyramids with some pyramid gadgets on your head. Try it!

Weight Loss Program : Weight Loss Through Hypnotism

Weight Loss Through Hypnotism
You ask weight loss practitioners, what is the most difficult aspect in their weight loss program and they will they tell you - it's sticking to the weight loss program. It is not how strenuous their weight loss workout is, it is not how bad-tasting their weight loss diets are, it is how they discipline themselves into sticking to their weight loss program.

In the Yahoo weight loss article : Low-Carb, Low-Fat Diets Tied for Long-Term Weight Loss, a study by the Center for Obesity Research & Education at Temple University reveals that, weight loss can be achieved through discipline. Meaning, it does not matter if you are in a low-carb weight loss diet or low-fat weight loss diet, what is important is you stick to your weight loss diet.

Meaning, discipline is a big factor in achieving weight loss goals (well, just like in any endeavor). This is where Hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is said to help in conditioning the mind to strictly follow his weight loss regimen.

How effective is hypnosis? In an article in MayoClinic.com : Is Hypnosis Effective in Weight Loss, Katherine Zeratsky, Mayo Clinic Nutritionist, stated that "Hypnosis may help you shed a few extra pounds when it's used along with other weight-loss methods, such as diet and exercise. But there isn't enough solid scientific evidence about weight-loss hypnosis to recommend for or against it".

It may or may not help. Bottom line : Discipline for a Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss Program : Weight Loss through Proper Breathing

Weight Loss through Proper Breathing
Remember when the composition or elements of fire was discussed in your Chemistry class? Do you still remember what those elements are? Actually, there are three(3) :
  1. Fuel
  2. Heat and
Now, there is this rather unique weight loss idea wherein you use proper breathing techniques for your weight loss goal. The principle behind this weight loss program is that combining the three elements stated above, weight loss can be achieved. In a weight loss system, Fuel will be our body fat, Heat is body heat and Oxygen is, well, oxygen from the air we breathe. Weight loss is achieved because, combining these three elements, you create "fire" which burns up the fuel (which is our body fat).

Sounds simple? Maybe. But the weight loss secret, they say, is in breathing - proper breathing. That is why there are lots of weight loss programs trying to teach you proper breathing techniques. Most of these are Yoga Weight Loss programs.

It will not hurt to try these breathing techniques because it is common knowledge that in breathing properly, we provide our blood cells with fresh supply of oxygen, which is a very good thing, weight loss or no weight loss. Furthermore, proper breathing has lots of benefits :
  • it will help your body and mind relax more
  • it will improve blood circulation
  • it will release more CO2 from our body
  • it will lessen wrinkles on our skin due to improved circulation and blood oxygen flow
  • it relaxes muscle spasm and relieves tension
  • it helps to prevent adhesions in muscle
  • it reduces mental and physical fatigue
  • it helps eliminate waste matter
  • by increasing oxygen to the heart, it eases the strain on the heart
So, really, it will do us good to follow this technique. Anyway, oxygen is free.
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